The Dhaka Board SSC Result 2024 Published. The Dhaka Education Board SSC Exam Result with Marksheet has been published today. Results can be found online. You can also know the result by staying at home through SMS. No results will be given from the school or educational institution. Because of the corona situation, you have to know the result while staying at home.
How to know the Dhaka Board Result?
The Dhaka Board SSC Result 2024 can be known through the website and SMS. The result has been uploaded to the website. Results can be found on the board’s website “SSC Corner”.
Results can be found on the board’s website Apart from the individual results, the institution-based results can be known from Institution, center, and district-based results will also be known. The registration number will be required to view the result with Marksheet. EIIN number will be required for the institution-based results.

Dhaka Board SSC Result by SMS
In the current Corona situation, the safest method is SMS. It is also very easy to know the result through a mobile message.
The Ministry of Education will publish the results in a new way this year. In that case, pre-registration can be done by sending a message from the mobile phone. The results of those who will pre-register will be delivered first. Pre-registered students will be notified of the results within 30 minutes. Those who will register before the results will get the result first. The Result will be sent by Message.
You can also know the Dhaka Board SSC Result by SMS in the same instruction after the result is published. Results can be known through pre-registration or SMS from all mobile numbers. Messages can be sent from the Grameenphone, Banglalink, Teletalk, Airtel, and Robi. Message charge Tk. 2 for each. VAT will be included in it. SMS should be sent to 16222.
Pre Registration SMS Instruction:
Pre-registration can be completed from 18th May to 31st May with the following process. Or send a message according to this rule after the result is published. You will be informed of the result in the return message. To Know the Dhaka Board SSC Result 2024 by SMS with Pre Preregistration or After publishing the Result, follow the Process below.
- First, go to the message option on your mobile phone.
- Go to the “New Message” option
- Write SSC <> DHA <> Your Roll <> 2024
- Send the message to 16222.
Example: SSC DHA 123456 2024 and Send this Message to 16222 from any Mobile Phone Operator.
(Write your SSC roll number instead of 123456.)
Pre-registration will be completed if a message is sent according to this rule before the result is published. Your registration confirmation message will come in the return message. Once the result is published, the result will be notified to your registered number. Registration can be done for more than one student from the same mobile. Registration can also be done for a student from multiple numbers. The charge for each registration will be different.
If a message is sent like this after the result is published, the result will be informed shortly. The result will be informed in the return message. However, only the GPA can be known by SMS. Detailed results can be found online. Moreover, if you want to know the Marksheet, you have to know it from the website.
Dhaka Board SMS Marksheet
The Dhaka Board SSC Result will be known this year along with a detailed Mark Sheet. The Marksheet can be found only from the websites. Both roll and registration numbers will be required to view the SSC mark sheet. Visit for detailed results. Statistics of the results, institutions based results, can be known through this web application. Besides, district and center-based results can also be known from here.