Class Eight Registration 2023 has started. The education boards have published the notice in this regard. According to the notice, the Class 8 Registration process will start from 1 September 2023. JSC Registration 2023 continues till 30 November 2023. The online registration form can be filled and fee can be paid within the specified time.
A committee consisting of teachers will conduct the class VIII registration process. Class VIII students of 2023 will have to pay the registration fee of Tk.74 without a late fine.
Eligibility for JSC Registration 2023
Candidates must be above 11 years minimum age as of 1st January of the year of JSC examination for JSC registration. The maximum age will be 17 years by 31 December. However, for students with special needs or disabilities, this age limit is a maximum of 22 years. Students of educational institutions that have received teaching permission and recognition from the Dhaka Education Board will get the opportunity to register in the name of their educational institution.
How to complete Class 8 Registration?
In the notice of the registration of Class Eight students, the Dhaka Education Board says that a registration committee consisting of three members should be formed to upload the registration information of the students. After completing the online registration, the final list will be duly verified by the committee members along with the admission form and certificate before final submission. It will be Final submitted after confirmation. Heads of institutions have been asked to keep the printout of the final list in the institution after registration.
For the Class 8 Registration Process, have to login with EIIN and password by clicking on the prescribed (OMES/eSIF) button on the Dhaka Board website and provide the registration information of Students. Click on eSIF JSC from Dashboard Payable fees of JSC Applicant name, mobile no. And print Sonali Seba slip by clicking on Print Sonali Seba with Number of Student. eSIF of designated students can be filled if the payment clears in the bank within 24 hours. Heads of institutions can issue Sonali Sheba service slips again after payment is cleared.
JSC Registration 2023 Fee
The prescribed fee for JSC Registration 2023 is Tk.74. Out of this, the main registration fee is 50 taka and the Red Crescent fee is 24 taka. According to the Education Board, the lower secondary schools that have received new teaching permission (those institutions that have not participated in the JSC examination before) will collect the login password through the school branch of the board by depositing Tk 1,500 through the Sonali Sheba service of Sonali Bank after collecting the EIIN certificate from Banbase.

Class VIII Registration Instructions
According to the education board, if the student’s parents have SSC certificate, then the name of the parents should be entered according to their original certificate or according to the preliminary final exam pass certificate. If the student’s parents are not SSC certificate holders, the name of the parents should be entered as per the birth certificate or national identity card. If the students name is preceded by Mr., Mrs., Mr., Mrs. etc. it cannot be used.
The school authorities have to confirm all the data and enter the data. If the students fail to register within the specified date, the head of the institution will be held responsible. No up-to-date accreditation renewal – If any such educational institution registers online, it will have to take necessary steps for registration-related matters at a later date.